What to Say For Wudu
Feeling unsure about what to recite during Wudu can confuse many practicing Muslims. This Islamic ablution ritual holds a special place as it is mandatory before performing Salah, the sacred prayer.
This guide will help you understand what to say before, during and after Wudu and it will also briefly discuss the steps of performing Wudu. So, let’s begin!
Understanding Wudu
Wudu, also known as ablution, is essential to the Islamic faith because it is required before every prayer. It is a symbolic act of worship in which specific parts of the body are washed with water to achieve both external and internal cleanliness.
According to Prophet Muhammad PBUH: “Cleanliness is half of faith” Sahih Muslim 223
It is primarily an act of physical purification before prayers or handling holy texts such as the Quran, but it goes beyond mere outward hygiene. Combining outer cleansing with inner sanctification assists Muslims in mentally and spiritually preparing for their interaction with Allah SWT during Salah (prayer).
The step-by-step process itself entails several Fard (obligatory) actions, including:
- Washing hands three times
- Rinsing mouth and nose up to three times each
- Washing face thrice
- Washing arms up to elbows three times, beginning with right arm
- Rubbing wet hands over head front-to-back once
- Washing both feet to ankles.
The recitation of Dua while performing these steps significantly increases the spiritual magnitude of this act.
Diverse schools of thought exist regarding some aspects of sequence or number. Still, agreement prevails on the essential requirement – intentionality behind it – embodying the axiom that actions derive value from the intentions behind them.
Dua Before Beginning Wudu
There is no Dua mentioned in the Ahadith before beginning Wudu. However, Prophet Muhammad PBUH has commanded us to start Wudu with the name of Allah SWT.
“ لاَ وُضُوءَ لِمَنْ لَمْ يَذْكُرِ اسْمَ اللَّهِ عَلَيْهِ ”
“There is no ablution for one who does not mention the Name of Allah (before doing it).”
Initiating your Wudu with a specific Dua is significant in showing humility and reverence before Allah SWT. The supplication is “Bismillah,” meaning “In the Name of Allah.”
When you say this, you directly call on divine’s attention and seek blessings for the upcoming purification act.
Remember, your Wudu will still be valid if you forget to say Bismillah before Wudu. Majority of Muslim scholars agree it is a Sunnah (recommended practice) rather than an obligation.
This simple yet powerful Dua serves as both an acknowledgment and a declaration. It acknowledges that any action taken without invoking Allah’s name holds no meaning in Islam.
The Process of Performing Wudu
Wudu is a significant act of worship in Islam that requires a set procedure. Here is the process:
- Begin with the intention of performing Wudu, purifying oneself for prayer in one’s heart and mind.
- Before beginning Wudu, say “Bismillah” (In the Name of Allah), as this is the Dua.
- Wash your hands three times up to your wrists, beginning with the right hand.
- Three times, rinse your mouth and nose. Rinse with your right hand and blow out water from your nose with your left.
- Wash your face three times, from the brow to the chin and ear to ear.
- Pay attention to washing your beard and running wet fingers through it if you have one.
- Wash your arms to the elbows three times, starting with the right.
- Wipe your head from front to back once, then reverse direction without lifting your hands off your head. Partial wipe is also acceptable.
- Wipe inside and outside of ears once with fresh water not used to wipe the head.
- Finally, wash your feet and ankles three times, beginning with the right foot.
Dua During Wudu
While performing Wudu, there are no specific Duas (supplications) that have been narrated by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to be said. So, following what Prophet Muhammad PBUH had told us is best.
Dua After Completing Wudu
Certain supplications (Duas) are recommended after Wudu to seek blessings and purification. After completing Wudu, you may recite the following Dua:
“Ashhadu an la ilaha ill-allah wahdahu la sharika lah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluhu. allahumm aj’alni min al-tawwabina waj’alni min al-mutatahhirina, subhanaka allahumma wa bi hamdika, ashhadu an la ilaha illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayka”
“I bear witness that there is no god except Allah Alone, with no partner or associate, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. O Allah, make me one of those who repent and make me one of those who purify themselves. Glory and praise be to You, O Allah, I bear witness that there is no god but You. I seek Your forgiveness, and I repent to You.”
Reference:Du`a after Wudu – Islam Question & Answer.
This Dua reminds Muslims to seek Allah’s forgiveness for their sins and strive to improve.
Furthermore, after completing Wudu, it is strongly advised to say the Shahada (declaration of faith).
By uttering:
“Ash-hadu an la ilaha ill-Allahu wahdahu la sharika lahu, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa Rasuluhu)”
Translation: I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah alone, without any partners, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. Bulugh al-Maram 57
These Duas strengthen our bond with Allah SWT and serve as a spiritual lift by acknowledging our reliance on Him for guidance, forgiveness, and salvation.
By incorporating these Duas into our daily Wudu routine, we can maximize the spiritual benefits of this act of inner purification before engaging in the acts of worship or prayer.
Wudu is an essential act of purification before prayer in Islam. You acknowledge Allah’s presence by following the proper steps and saying “Bismillah” (In the Name of Allah) before beginning Wudu.
The process cleans your body and soul mentally and spiritually, preparing you for Salah. After Wudu, ask Allah SWT for forgiveness and blessings, reciting specific Duas. They help strengthen your spirituality and reaffirm your trust in Allah SWT for guidance and forgiveness.
What should I say while performing Wudu?
Prophet Muhammad PBUH never recited anything during Wudu since there is no evidence in the hadith. However, Prophet Muhammad PBUH used to start Wudu with Bismillah.
Are there any specific verses or prayers to recite during Wudu?
You should not recite anything during Wudu; instead, focus on performing the Wudu itself.
Can I perform Wudu without saying anything?
Yes, it is permissible to perform Wudu without saying anything aloud if one prefers. This is because starting Wudu with Bismillah is a Sunnah rather than obligatory, as per the majority of Muslim scholars.
ماذا أقول لـ wudu
الشعور بالابتعاد حول ما يجب أن يقرأه خلال WUDU يمكن أن يخلط بين العديد من المسلمين الممارسين. هذه طقوس الوضوء الإسلامي تحتل مكانًا خاصًا لأنها إلزامية قبل أداء صلاح ، الصلاة المقدسة. سيساعدك هذا الدليل على فهم ما تقوله قبل وأثناء وبعد وودو ، وسوف يناقش أيضًا خطوات أداء WUDU بإيجاز. لذلك ، لنبدأ!فهم wudu

- غسل اليدين ثلاث مرات
- شطف الفم والأنف حتى ثلاث مرات كل
- غسل الوجه ثلاث مرات
- غسل الأسلحة حتى المرفقين ثلاث مرات ، بدءًا من الذراع الأيمن
- فرك الأيدي الرطبة على الرأس إلى الوراء مرة واحدة
- غسل كلا القدمين إلى الكاحلين.
dua قبل بدء wudu

عملية تنفيذ wudu
wudu هو عمل عبادة مهم في الإسلام يتطلب إجراء محدد. هذه هي العملية:- ابدأ بقصد أداء wudu ، وتطهير نفسه للصلاة في قلبه وعقله.
- قبل البدء في Wudu ، قل "Bismillah" (باسم الله) ، لأن هذا هو Dua.
- اغسل يديك ثلاث مرات حتى معصميك ، بدءًا من اليد اليمنى.
- ثلاث مرات ، شطف فمك وأنفك. شطف بيدك اليمنى وتفجير الماء من أنفك مع يسارك.
- اغسل وجهك ثلاث مرات ، من الحاجب إلى الذقن والأذن إلى الأذن.
- انتبه لغسل لحيتك وتشغيل الأصابع الرطبة من خلالها إذا كان لديك واحدة.
- اغسل ذراعيك إلى المرفقين ثلاث مرات ، بدءًا من اليمين.
- امسح رأسك من الأمام إلى الخلف مرة واحدة ، ثم عكس الاتجاه دون رفع يديك عن رأسك. المسح الجزئي مقبول أيضًا.
- امسح داخل وخارج الأذنين مرة واحدة مع المياه العذبة غير المستخدمة لمسح الرأس.
- أخيرًا ، اغسل قدميك والكاحلين ثلاث مرات ، بدءًا من القدم اليمنى.
dua خلال wudu

dua بعد الانتهاء من wudu